Thursday, March 13 (between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.) an operation is planned on the authentication server
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Abstract submission > Submission information
Posters and/or Talks submissions Submissions for regular abstracts for posters and talks (max. 250 words) are now closed.
Symposium submissions Symposium submissions are now closed. Proposals should focus on a thematic topic related to multisensory research (broadly defined) and can include between 4 and 6 individual presentations. We will ask you to provide a synopsis (max. 300 words) for the symposium as well as abstracts for each presentation (max. 250 words per abstract). General information for submission To submit an abstract : 1. You will first need to log in to sciencesconf.org or create an account 2. Download the submission template here. Start by renaming it in the following structure : LASTNAME_submissiontype_IMRF2023.docx. 3. Fill in the relevant parts of the template (talk/poster submission OR symposium submission) with your abstract. 4. Click on "Abstract submission" > "Submission platform" on the website. 5. Fill in the metadata of your submission (title, submission type, keywords). 6. Fill in the list of authors by manually encoding the name, email and affiliation or automatically by looking for the name in the sciencesconf.org repertoire. 7. Upload your submission file (NAME_submissiontype_IMRF2023.docx) on the platform. Don't forget to click on "Upload". You should now see your file, converted to pdf format, in the list of files. 8. You can upload a supplementary file for your figure (one per abstract) - this step is optional. 9. Review your submission and ... click on "Submit". You will receive an email of confirmation.
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